Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Kingdom Has Never Been More Global

The first of three posts on the Kingdom being "Global"...

Memory Verse

"People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God."
Luke 13:29 (NIV)

We live in a very special time.  Never before in the history of our world have those experiencing the kingdom of heaven on earth had such a global footprint.

Surprised?  Take this short Global Kingdom Quiz...

1.  What country is sending the most missionaries in the world?

2.  Which five (non-island) countries have the highest percentage of evangelical Christians?
3.  What two countries have the largest "non-religious" populations in the world?

According to the most recent edition of "Operation World" (by Jason Mandryk), the answers are as follows:
1.  China
2.  Kenya, Uganda, Central African Republic, El Salvador, and Zimbabwe
3.  China and the United States

The kingdom's not limited to Kansas anymore.

For those of us living in the United States, how do we more effectively extend the kingdom to the second largest nonreligious population in the world?  Let's look to where the kingdom has grown by leaps and bounds in recent decades - Africa, Latin America, and parts of Asia.  Not everything will be transferable, but much of it will be, if we let it be.

In the next couple posts, we'll look to the our brothers and sisters in Africa, Latin America, Asia and beyond to identify how we can extend more of the kingdom of heaven to our next-door neighbor, the guy on the other side of the cubicle at work, and perhaps even that family member at the next holiday gathering.

The historic mission fields are becoming the mission sending countries, and the historic mission sending countries are becoming the mission fields.  It has become a very global kingdom, and as a result, this generation stands to experience more of the kingdom of heaven right here on earth than the many generations that have preceded us and yearned for a day like today.

Questions to Consider
1.  Does the United States having the second largest nonreligious population in the world surprise you?  Think of your neighbors, coworkers, and perhaps even family members.  Is it so surprising? 
2.  Do you give much thought or take many actions to extend the kingdom of heaven to your neighbors, coworkers, or family members?  Be honest!

Action Steps for the Week
1.  Write down three people you know who you would consider "non-religious".  Pray that God would increase your desire that they experience more of the kingdom of heaven on earth and identify some practical ways you could extend that kingdom to them.
2.  Do a little online research or, better yet, reach out to someone in person (preferably from the country), to learn more about how the kingdom of heaven is being extended to places like Kenya, Uganda, the Central African Republic, El Salvador, and Zimbabwe.

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