Memory Verse
"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification."
Romans 14:19 (NIV)
When we see the work of the Holy Spirit working through faithful Christ followers to make this a very global kingdom, we have much in which to edify our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.
Here are some of my experiences from how I have experienced more of the kingdom by observing my Asian sisters and brothers in Christ.
Ruth from the Philippines has taught me much about the kingdom. I have to admit that despite praying The Lord's Prayer a gazillion times in my life, it wasn't until I met Ruth that my reaction to "your kingdom come...on earth as it is in heaven" was other than "yeah, right Jesus - that is NEVER going to happen!". Ruth leads an organization that is at the forefront globally in extending the kingdom of heaven to earth for the poorest of the poor. It is there, more than any place on the planet, that I see those who were last becoming first - a sure sign of the kingdom of heaven among us. After having met Ruth, I now wake up every morning asking how I can partner with the Holy Spirit to extend more of the kingdom of heaven to earth in that day.
Thao from Vietnam has taught me much about living faithfully despite persecution. I'll never forget a breakfast I had with Thao in Thailand. "How many times have you been put in prison for your faith," I asked Thao, having never experienced that myself. "Too many times to count," replied Thao. He used every opportunity to proclaim the kingdom even when it meant certain persecution. As one who is often hesitant to mention the name of Jesus in the workplace or on the airplane, I have come to thank God so much for bringing Thao into my life.
Vimal from Sri Lanka has taught me much about trusting God. Back in May 2006, I had the great privilege of being in the home of my very close friend, Vimal, in Sri Lanka. The scent of war was in the air, and Vimal, hosting me for lunch, asked for prayer because his home was on the outskirts of the village and would be at risk for one of the first to be hit should war break out. "We trust God no matter what happens." Those words have echoed in my soul ever since. The civil war did break out a week later and lasted for three years. I prayed often for my good friend, while also praying I could come to trust God like He did and still does.
Kaew from Thailand has taught me much about prayer. My fond memories of following Jesus within PEER Servants are too many to count, but certainly one of those fond memories is walking the "streets" of the slums of Bangkok with Kaew, the Thai microfinance program director. Kaew was short and quiet. My inability to speak Thai made her even more quiet, although she worked hard to learn English. Kaew was quiet until she prayed, and that's when Kaew could have woken up Rumpelstiltskin. It wasn't just the volume of Kaew's prayers - it was her passion. In her prayers I could tell there was an enemy to conquer, a kingdom to extend, and a king who could do something about it. The volume in my prayers hasn't increased after knowing Kaew, but my passion has and the belief that our God can and will do something about extending His kingdom from heaven to earth!
Lesslie Newbigin was a missionary from Scotland who spent much of his life in India. Lesslie learned so much more about following Jesus by observing his Asian brothers and sisters in Christ. He wrote the following in "Foolishness to the Greeks"...
"The fact that Jesus is much more than, much greater than our culture-bound vision of him, can only come home to us through the witness of those who see him through other eyes."
Perhaps you have seen enough of Jesus for you to make him your Savior that will extend your life on earth to heaven. Have you seen enough of Him for you to really make Him your King and give up everything to extend the kingdom of heaven to earth? If not, complement how you are seeing Him with how our Asian, African, Latin American, and other brothers and sisters around the world are seeing the same Jesus. You may then be very willing to become one of his true disciples.
Here are some of my experiences from how I have experienced more of the kingdom by observing my Asian sisters and brothers in Christ.
Ruth from the Philippines has taught me much about the kingdom. I have to admit that despite praying The Lord's Prayer a gazillion times in my life, it wasn't until I met Ruth that my reaction to "your kingdom come...on earth as it is in heaven" was other than "yeah, right Jesus - that is NEVER going to happen!". Ruth leads an organization that is at the forefront globally in extending the kingdom of heaven to earth for the poorest of the poor. It is there, more than any place on the planet, that I see those who were last becoming first - a sure sign of the kingdom of heaven among us. After having met Ruth, I now wake up every morning asking how I can partner with the Holy Spirit to extend more of the kingdom of heaven to earth in that day.
Thao from Vietnam has taught me much about living faithfully despite persecution. I'll never forget a breakfast I had with Thao in Thailand. "How many times have you been put in prison for your faith," I asked Thao, having never experienced that myself. "Too many times to count," replied Thao. He used every opportunity to proclaim the kingdom even when it meant certain persecution. As one who is often hesitant to mention the name of Jesus in the workplace or on the airplane, I have come to thank God so much for bringing Thao into my life.
Vimal from Sri Lanka has taught me much about trusting God. Back in May 2006, I had the great privilege of being in the home of my very close friend, Vimal, in Sri Lanka. The scent of war was in the air, and Vimal, hosting me for lunch, asked for prayer because his home was on the outskirts of the village and would be at risk for one of the first to be hit should war break out. "We trust God no matter what happens." Those words have echoed in my soul ever since. The civil war did break out a week later and lasted for three years. I prayed often for my good friend, while also praying I could come to trust God like He did and still does.
Kaew from Thailand has taught me much about prayer. My fond memories of following Jesus within PEER Servants are too many to count, but certainly one of those fond memories is walking the "streets" of the slums of Bangkok with Kaew, the Thai microfinance program director. Kaew was short and quiet. My inability to speak Thai made her even more quiet, although she worked hard to learn English. Kaew was quiet until she prayed, and that's when Kaew could have woken up Rumpelstiltskin. It wasn't just the volume of Kaew's prayers - it was her passion. In her prayers I could tell there was an enemy to conquer, a kingdom to extend, and a king who could do something about it. The volume in my prayers hasn't increased after knowing Kaew, but my passion has and the belief that our God can and will do something about extending His kingdom from heaven to earth!
Lesslie Newbigin was a missionary from Scotland who spent much of his life in India. Lesslie learned so much more about following Jesus by observing his Asian brothers and sisters in Christ. He wrote the following in "Foolishness to the Greeks"...
"The fact that Jesus is much more than, much greater than our culture-bound vision of him, can only come home to us through the witness of those who see him through other eyes."
Perhaps you have seen enough of Jesus for you to make him your Savior that will extend your life on earth to heaven. Have you seen enough of Him for you to really make Him your King and give up everything to extend the kingdom of heaven to earth? If not, complement how you are seeing Him with how our Asian, African, Latin American, and other brothers and sisters around the world are seeing the same Jesus. You may then be very willing to become one of his true disciples.
Questions to Consider
1. Do you see Jesus only as an English-speaking North American?
2. Of the four ways Asians have blessed this blog's writer (embracing the reality of the kingdom, living faithfully despite persecution, trusting God despite the circumstances, and praying with passion), which one(s) do you need to focus on more to be better equipped to extend more of the kingdom to others?
Action Steps for the Week
1. Take at least one of the fours ways Asians have blessed this blog's writer and write down a game plan to improve in that area and extend more of the kingdom as a result.
2. Embrace someone in your life who sees the same Jesus through other eyes and come to know more about Jesus through their experience. (If you can't think of anyone in your life whom you could embrace to do this, pray that God would raise up such a person, and then keep your eyes open!)
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