Friday, May 3, 2013

If Jesus is King - Part III

Some final thoughts on how we should live our lives if Jesus is King...

Memory Verse

 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things 
will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

It's quite a thought - to think that we are known by a king.  Even more - to think that this king has entrusted us with extending His kingdom, and that He has asked that we put seeking this kingdom first in our lives.

Now think about it - a king generally has access to a lot of resources.  So, if a king were to ask you to do something, chances are you would not question whether he has the resources to back up what he is asking you to do.  But silently or otherwise, we do question Jesus.  We wonder if Jesus would really have our back if we went and put His kingdom first instead of worrying to meet our own needs.  Jesus knew we wouldn't trust Him on this one, and that's why He goes out of His way to point to the flowers of the field and the birds of the air and assure us He has our back.  Given this, we should live in full trust of this king given His endless resources, not worrying about our own materials needs, and even responding generously to the needs of others.

One final thought regarding Jesus being king.  We read in the Bible that we are actually citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20) and that we are Christ's ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20).  Thus, we should be living our lives not for ourselves, but as ambassadors of this king.  Just think of wherever God has you or wants to place you as a consulate for the kingdom.  Your primary purpose for being there is to represent the kingdom of heaven as an ambassador of that kingdom.  That's how we fulfill Jesus' vision statement captured in Matthew 6:10 of extending the kingdom of heaven to earth.

If we are going to experience the kingdom of heaven on earth, we have to start with the reality that Jesus is the king of this kingdom.  Starting with that opens up amazing possibilities, so amazing that this vision of extending the kingdom of heaven to earth may not have just been wishful thinking after all.

Questions to Consider
1.  Do you really think Jesus has the resources needed to allow you to put His kingdom first?
2.  How's your consulate?  Would anyone be able to identify the kingdom you represent?

Action Steps for the Week
1.  Take a very practical step this week to seek Jesus' kingdom and show that you do trust Him having the material resources to meet your needs.
2.  Take three steps this week to align your consulate more with that representing the kingdom of heaven.

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