The last of three posts on the Inverted Kingdom...
Memory Verse
"But many who are first will be last, and the last first." Mark 10:31 (NIV)
Jesus, the "firstborn over all creation" (Colossians 1:15), the "head of the body" (Colossians 1:18), and the one who is to have supremacy in everything (Colossians 1:18), chose to become the servant of all. He, the first, chose to become last, so that we, the last, could become first. He calls us to join Him in choosing to become last so that others can become first.
Most of us reading this blog are the first in the eyes of the world. We have our daily material needs and even many of our daily material wants met. We kind of enjoy being first. We know that in heaven the "last will become first", but while we would rarely admit to it, we kind of enjoy holding on to our first position while we can.
Remember - the kingdom doesn't have to wait for heaven. Jesus wanted us to experience it here and now. The Mark 10 passage that includes our memory verse was talking about the now on earth, not just the future in heaven. A sign that the kingdom is truly among us is that, like the King of this kingdom, the first will willingly choose to become last, so that the last can become first.
What would lead to such extreme behavior? Discovering the kingdom. Consider Matthew 13:44-45. When the man found the treasure hidden in the field, he went, in his joy, and sold all he had and bought the field. When the merchant found a pearl of great value, he, too, sold everything he had and bought it. If you have discovered and are experiencing the kingdom, your reaction will be the same. Hebrews 10:34 reminds us of those who joyfully accepted the confiscation of their property, because they knew they had better and lasting possessions.
Note that I don't think we're talking wealth redistribution here. If the rich were to give all they had to the poor, the rich would find a way to get it back the next day. We are made in the image of our Creator, and so we are called to create. To help the "last" create and provide for themselves while building their dignity, the "first" can choose to be very generous and invest in the lives of the "last". This type of behavior would be noticed by the world around us - they would be able to see the kingdom of heaven among us, and want to be a part of it.
Are you willing, with joy, to become last so that the last can become first? If so, you will not only be truly experiencing the kingdom, but surely extending it to many others.
Most of us reading this blog are the first in the eyes of the world. We have our daily material needs and even many of our daily material wants met. We kind of enjoy being first. We know that in heaven the "last will become first", but while we would rarely admit to it, we kind of enjoy holding on to our first position while we can.
Remember - the kingdom doesn't have to wait for heaven. Jesus wanted us to experience it here and now. The Mark 10 passage that includes our memory verse was talking about the now on earth, not just the future in heaven. A sign that the kingdom is truly among us is that, like the King of this kingdom, the first will willingly choose to become last, so that the last can become first.
What would lead to such extreme behavior? Discovering the kingdom. Consider Matthew 13:44-45. When the man found the treasure hidden in the field, he went, in his joy, and sold all he had and bought the field. When the merchant found a pearl of great value, he, too, sold everything he had and bought it. If you have discovered and are experiencing the kingdom, your reaction will be the same. Hebrews 10:34 reminds us of those who joyfully accepted the confiscation of their property, because they knew they had better and lasting possessions.
Note that I don't think we're talking wealth redistribution here. If the rich were to give all they had to the poor, the rich would find a way to get it back the next day. We are made in the image of our Creator, and so we are called to create. To help the "last" create and provide for themselves while building their dignity, the "first" can choose to be very generous and invest in the lives of the "last". This type of behavior would be noticed by the world around us - they would be able to see the kingdom of heaven among us, and want to be a part of it.
Are you willing, with joy, to become last so that the last can become first? If so, you will not only be truly experiencing the kingdom, but surely extending it to many others.
Questions to Consider
1. Does the decision to choose to become last so that the last can become first sound like a great opportunity or a threat? If the latter, could it be that you are trying to love God and money while storing up for yourself treasures on earth? (Read Matthew 6.)
2. Is your theology salvation-centric or kingdom-centric? Did Jesus refer to the "gospel" as the "gospel of salvation" or the "gospel of the kingdom"?
Action Steps for the Week
1. Read through the Book of Matthew (the first book in the New Testament) and note what people did in response to discovering the kingdom.
2. Pray to identify at least one person who may be considered "last" in the eyes of the world and take the steps necessary, as huge as they may seem, to make that person "first". (Note - you're not on your own! We have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit to empower us to go beyond ourselves. We also have the gift of community to encourage each other to pursuing such things!)
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