Why was Jesus so passionate about the Kingdom?
Memory Verse
"your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven."
Matthew 6:10 (NIV)
What's your personal "Vision Statement"? In other words, what do you want to see as a result of the life you have lived?
If you were to ask Jesus that statement, He would most likely bring you to these words from Matthew 6:10. They were so core to who Jesus was and what He wanted to see that he placed them right in the middle of the prayer he taught His disciples to pray. It was an unbelievable vision - that the kingdom would come to earth just as it was in heaven.
Imagine that. Imagine what the kingdom of heaven is like. A place where Jesus reigns. A place where He is honored and worshiped. A place where everyone has what they need and lives with dignity. A place that overcomes evil. A place where everyone experiences truly abundant life. That place is what Jesus wanted to extend to this place - earth.
Our prayer is that you are experiencing this kind of kingdom in your life today. Furthermore, our prayer is that you are waking up each morning excited that you get to extend this kind of kingdom to others - in your home, your workplace, your church, your community, and even to the ends of the earth.
When we all start to focus more on experiencing and extending the kingdom, we're going to see Jesus' desired vision become reality.
Questions to Consider
1. Are you experiencing this kind of kingdom in your life today? If not, have you allowed Jesus full reign in your life?
2. How are you extending this kind of kingdom to others?
Action Steps for the Week
1. If you are not experiencing this kind of kingdom in your life today, have a simple conversation with Jesus wherein you (re)submit your life to His reign and (re)dedicate it to realizing His vision.
2. Identify one new way this week that you will extend the kingdom from heaven to earth in the life of someone near or far.
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